In this article I will load balance 2 servers and take you through the process step-by-step. Load Balancing takes 2 or more servers and lets them share one IP address so both servers can serve client requests. At the end of this article you should be able to configure NLB. Gathering Information …
Series Entries: ‘WLBS and NLB’ Series
Filed Under: Windows 2008
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In this article I will load balance 2 servers and take you through the process step-by-step. Load Balancing takes 2 or more servers and lets them share one IP address so both servers can serve client requests. At the end of this article you should be able to configure NLB. Gathering Information …
Filed Under: Windows 2003
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Original post @ Microsoft’s NLB Clustering is kind of to High Availability Load Balancing what Natural Light is to the beer world. Both will basically get the job done, and on the cheap, but in the long run they might leave you with a wicked headache and wishing you spent a few extra dollars […]
Filed Under: Windows 2008, Windows 2003
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